Helen Gretchen Jones

Healing Whispers from Spirit Guides
Bridging the Gap Between
Life and the Afterlife with a
Death Doula's Wisdom

Why Read the Bestselling Book?
Loss is an inevitable part of the human experience, and the pain it brings can be overwhelming. Yet, amidst the grief, there is a profound opportunity for growth and connection. With the help of Gretchen's "A-Team" of spirit guides, learn how to bridge the intricate gap between life and death with grace and understanding. As a death doula at the bedside of the dying, Gretchen's poignant stories present encounters with departed loved ones and glimpses of celestial beings. Through these encounters, you will come to understand that life is eternal, the bonds we share with our loved ones transcend the physical realm, and discover the profound beauty in being present with them as they transition from this life to the next.
Healing Whispers from Spirit Guides offers practical exercises and insights to help you cultivate intuitive abilities and forge deeper connections with the spirit world. From simple meditation techniques to profound spiritual revelations, be empowered to embrace your own innate wisdom and find solace in times of grief. Step into the light of self-discovery, embrace the guidance of our spirit guides and find peace in the midst of life's most challenging moments.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to each of you for joining me on this incredible journey through the pages of Healing Whispers from Spirit Guides. Your decision to explore the depths of spirituality, life, and death alongside me means the world. To deepen your spiritual connection, I invite you to continue your journey with me. For regular inspiration and updates, follow me on social media @helengretchenjones. Thank you for embracing this journey with an open heart and mind. I am truly honored to have you by my side as we delve into the mysteries of the soul and the wisdom of the spirit world.

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Healing Whispers
from Spirit Guides
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Endorsements / Reviews
Have you ever wanted to know, beyond a doubt, that there are unseen divine beings with you? That beautiful souls stand ready to help you navigate life's challenges? Healing Whispers from Spirit Guides is the right book for you!
Spirit guides are not distant entities; they are ever-present companions. Recognizing the creative ways they offer subtle guidance is key to leveraging their help on your journey through life. Helen Gretchen Jones illustrates how these guides may be quietly influencing you, understanding that life on Earth is a rough hewn classroom and assistance is always welcome.
When a spirit guide presents a remarkable sign or synchronicity, it is common to question: "Is this real?" Candid as ever, Gretchen shares that she has asked the same question. Guides provide confirmation. In fact, when we met, her guides asked me to pass along a validation to encourage her to write this book.
Life's joys and sorrows, the sweet alongside the bittersweet, serve as our teachers. Our ups and downs enhance our empathy and grow our wisdom. Yet, we are not meant to navigate this path alone. There are many healing whisperers ready to help you. Don't keep them waiting!
-Susanne J. Wilson, MA, author of Soul Smart: What the Dead Teach Us About Spirit Communication
"HEALING WHISPERS FROM SPIRIT GUIDES: BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN LIFE AND THE AFTERLIFE WITH A DEATH DOULA'S WISDOM is a thoughtful and eye opening memoir that takes us by the hand and leads us through the transformative, spiritual experiences that occur at the time of death and transition to the afterlife. Helen Gretchen Jones, along with her spiritual A-Team, share their inspirational journey of love, healing, and the continuum of our soul’s energy, teaching us that we are never truly alone and that we are more than our physical selves. This book is a true spiritual road map to the world of death, dying and the afterlife.”
~Diane Richards, Ma, M.Ed.
Spiritual Medium and author of Finding Emelyn: How I Connected with a Past Life, the Other Side, and My Purpose
A woman with close connections to the spirit world shares her real-life experiences as a death doula.At the urging of her spirit guides (or what she refers to as “the Voice” or her “A-Team”), Jones here shares her experiences as a death doula. In this role, Jones accompanies her clients “holistically through the process of dying,” and much of the book is dedicated to personal stories of interacting with her clients and other people in the process of moving on. She describes encountering Reggie, for example, when his spirit wandered into her friend’s hospital room, after which the duo sat on a canyon edge in the spiritual realm as they discussed the limitlessness that comes when freed from the physical body. Personal stories alternate with more scientific material (such as examples of animals and fungi supporting each other during the dying process) and practical tips for alleviating stress for both the dying person and their loved ones (including guided imagery and slow breathing). The author periodically refers to praying and “the Creator (or All That Is),” but does not reference any specific religion. Jones’ warm and conversational tone proves comforting without being patronizing. The more scientifically backed sections will likely appeal to a broader audience, such as the discussion of the benefits of sound bowl therapy (hearing is the last sense to go). Other parts of the work are more targeted toward those who already have a firm belief in the paranormal, as when Jones relates visions of sitting among various physicists as they hint to her about the broader universe: “I saw particles condensed together and then scatter and heard the word ‘plank.’ Later, I learned that Max Planck was a physicist from Germany who discovered quantum theory.” Whether or not readers believe in Jones’ version of spirituality, her book provides a fascinating look into an unusual vocation.A multifaceted examination of life and death that offers guidance for alternative-spirituality believers.
-Kirkus Media